2018 - 2019 President's Message - Wendy Martin-Gutjahr
First, I would like to thank Susan for all her hard work this past year. I am very thankful she will be staying on as Past President, I know I will rely on her mentoring this coming year.
I am looking forward to representing you as President of our Association and plan to continue nourishing the partnerships we have built through the years.
Looking forward to the year ahead, your executive will be updating our by-laws. We plan to have revisions for your approval at our next AGM. Please watch the website for updates on these as they will be posted in the members only section for your consideration.
We will also continue working on a marketing strategy for the Association including a refresh of the logo.
I believe it is important we stay strong as an Association. We do this by providing education and information to our members because the environment we are working in is ever changing, and as Managers, we are an integral part of health care delivery in Alberta.
Thank you for this opportunity, I look forward to seeing all of you at our AGC/AGM in Red Deer in September 2019!
Wendy Martin-Gutjahr
AACM President 2018-2019